Sustainability Sussed

Between the veganism, quitting fast fashion and trying to reduce my carbon emissions any other way I can find, sustainability has become a rather large part of my life.
Here are a few bits I’ve discovered on my journey that might be of interest.

Underconsumption core: Impactful or insignificant?

Underconsumption core: Impactful or insignificant?

Always a pleasure to join Claire Byrne on RTÉ Radio 1 and this time underconsumption core was in the spotlight. Alongside Solene Schirrer of VOICE Ireland, we delved into the sustainability benefits of this rising social media trend and weighed up its impact on the prevailing landscape of hyper-consumption we […]


Welcome! This is where I try to keep you updated on all the ways I’m celebrating sustainability. I can’t promise the posts won’t be sporadic – I’m buzzing about broadcasting, DJing and MCing too.